My Reading: Tuesdays with Morrie

I enjoyed reading "Tuesdays with Morrie"by Mitch Albom.It was ist recommended by my friend Danny who is a full time counsellor. It is based on true story about author's professor he handled his end of life issues with so much wisdom ...once you read it will start to reflect upon your life...

an excerpt i enjoyed :
"Mitch , you asked about caring for people i dont even know.but can i tell you the thing i'm learning with this disease?"

"what's that"

"the most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love ,and to let it come in."

Reflection :it is often easy to take love from people, to love those who are nice, pretty, handsome, but it is often harder to love those whom you think are less perfect from you...and it is even harder to give love to someone else ...人总是以为自己最完美, 常常看到别人的缺点, 而却忘了自己的缺点.


goldilocks said…
hi Xianning, seems like you're having fun =)
hopefish  said…
hehe, i think blogs are quite useful if you are daring enuf to share your thots out loud...

what's your blog?:P

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