Sleep disorders

Inspired by a korean documentary i saw recently on sleep disorders,
a sudden knock that sleep is very important,even deprivation or too much of it may be detrimental to health and functional daily living...
some common sleep disorders:
Sleep apnea means episodes of cessation of breathing during night time sleep that can occur as often as several hundred times in a night. Snoring is a warning that the sleeper may be a victim of sleep apnea.
NOTE OF CAUTION: Snoring is NOT normal at all, it may mean disruptive sleep or possibility of episodes of NO breathing at all...a silent killer
a)Loud snoring. This can indicate breathing problems or blocked air passages.
b)Cessation of breathing or choking spells in the night. In severe cases, this can occur over fifty times an hour with each hundreds of times a night with each one lasting as long as ten seconds.
c)Excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep apnea causes sleep deprivation. Daytime sleepiness can become so excessive that working becomes impossible and driving is dangerous.
d)Frequent visits to the bathroom during the night.
e)Severe mood swings from depression to irritability to anger.
f)Obesity In many cases. Although some slim people do suffer from sleep apnea the majority are overweight or obese.
g)Low sex drive and a general lack of energy.
h)Dry mouth and sore throat in the morning from sleeping with the mouth open, snoring and gasping for air.
2)Chronic sleepiness (Narcolepsy)

Narcolepsy, a chronic disorder that usually begins during adolescence, is characterized by excessive sleepiness, daytime sleep episodes, cataplexy, and abnormalities of REM sleep.
It has prevalence of about 1 in 3000, and affects men and women equally.
Chronic sleepiness often leads to impaired work performance, psychosocial problems, and increases the risk of accidents.
Treatment with stimulant medications for sleepiness and tricyclic antidepressants for cataplexy leads to substantial improvement in symptoms for most patients.
i personally seen a pupil having this problem,he feels and looks sleepy all day long and he cannot control himself and falls asleep...hardly awake most of the time...and of cos it affects his performance... we all thought it was he lacked of sleep...till i saw this is a disorder, affects daily functioning of a person if serious.
3) Insomnia
Insomnia is a symptom of a sleeping disorder characterized by persistent difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep despite the opportunity. It is typically followed by functional impairment while awake. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time.
a)Stress: significant personal events, such as losing a job, marital problems, stress and generaly worrying.
b)Uncomfortable sleeping environment (too much light or noise, uncomfortable temperature).
c)Unusual sleeping environment (e.g., a hotel room).
d)Changes in the daily rhythm, such as a change in work shift or jet lag.
e)Acute medical illness or their treatments.
HOW to have a good sleep without relying on medication?
-Develop a regular sleeping schedule. Avoid daytime naps and stimulating activities just before bedtime.
-Avoid stimulating drugs, such as caffeine and nicotine, particularly before going to bed.
-Exercise during the day (but not in the late evening).
-Avoid alcohol- it is a leading cause of poor sleep.
-Minimize light and noise when trying to sleep. (esp TV may affect the quality of sleep)
-Maintain a comfortable bedroom temperature.
-Avoid heavy meals before bedtime. If hungry, eat a light carbohydrate snack.
-Take medications that may be stimulating, or those that may cause you to wake up to urinate long before bedtime.
if you feel you have the above problems, i do encourage you to seek professional help.
have a good sleep going too..zzzzz


Anonymous said…
yeah! its much better,

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