Our first GG makan nite @SAKURA Pioneer Stadium, attended by most of our gg members except william and lee lee who could not make it. have fun eating and talking, got to know one and another better thru food. Well, singaporeans can never live without food:P hehhe
we also prayed for our brother Joe as his belated birthday was few days before...
the nite ended well, with all of us looking forward to the next fellowship meeting")
The 3 Mussketeers

Wendy and Ryan, ME, Jeanne and Jezzeca

Joe and Jeanne and their gal Jezzeca -the "J"s Family

James and wendy , photo taken by their boy Ryan


Anonymous said…
thanks for taking time to spend it with me and my earthly family. God willing sure like to know u guys n gals from GG as my spiritual family.My paryers n love goes out to each one of u.Thank U GOd for ur love n mercy uon our lives n bringing us together in ur Name.let our meetings be meaning full n full of joy.hold us lead us till the DAY.
hopefish  said…
thanks bro:P i really hope gg will be like a 2nd family to you:)

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