Are Singaporeans acting as pigs??

i was reading forum in the Straits times today...something caught my eye..this letter written by an angmo complaining how ungracious singaporeans are, not giving up seats to pregnant ladies,or clearing tables after using during peak hours...

interestingly, quite a few singaporeans wrote in in defense...however i believe in the latter...though i do not consider myself "gracious" enough...i do admit there are times 有时好心,真没有好报, especially in singapore...:(

i remember there were times i stood up to give up my seat to an elderly, another young man quickly sat down...sigh....

recently this year with the haze and the building of mrt track...taking mrt to and fro work is a drag...why?
because have to walk as fast as the working people...squeeze together with them without being "molested" by some rude men who delibrately walked pass you....and again squeezing your way out the in- coming people do not give way to those coming out...especially you are small size...sigh...

clearing tables after eating...i and my hubby always have the habit of clearing as courtesy to the person after us but as i observed how many singaporeans would actually do that...even in ikea when it is kindly stated...pls return the utensils after use...most people just left all their leftover rubbish for "you" the next person using to clear...some of the leftovers are so wonder whether do they delibrately do that so that you wont use their table...really disgusted by their behavior...

well, you might say these are the minorities...这些害群之马...let's reflect upon our own attitudes ist before we point finger at others...
"ungracious" singaporeans...if i called them acting like pigs...i think i have no choice but to admit i am one of them too cos we live in such a "pig sty"----ungracious society.


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