my hubby and i

我和先生 在朋友酒席的合照

a pic with my hubby @wedding dinner


Anonymous said…
Hey Sandy, seems you still have time to blog despite your busy schedule as a teacher! amazing....long time no see you and chee wee have ya both been???

Take care ya...hope to see ya again. God be with you both.

In His name,
hopefish  said…
thank you for visiting:P

got to learn or else lagging behind their generation:P

how are u? often thought abt you and prayed for u....
Anonymous said…
You are not only hopefish, workhorse also, one day only you can put up a impressive blog already.
hopefish  said…
who r u?:P
Anonymous said…
Hello! mdm loh! guess who am i!
the student you teach in pri 3 this year ! saw your blog!
hopefish  said…
hehehe, thanks for the compliment谢谢!
who r u? any clue:P

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