Why i BLOgged

My hubby and i went to visit my grandma last sun and by chance my uncle shared with me the life story of my late grandfather...the story was really touching ...shed a few tears after reading it...also my uncle's blog also has links to my cousins and relatives...i realised how useful the blog can be ...if you use it effectively and carefully...

on that very day when i went home, i opened up my computer and started blogging...it was not so difficult after all...took me about 3 hrs to type and put in pic...and i immediately emailed invites to frens and relatives to visit it.

thank God , so far very encouraging comments...today ...i showed it to my p3 students...they were pretty amazed and impressed ," laoshi, it's so cool !!! how did u do it?" they all started pressing me for details and instructions on going abt doing a blog.

being a beginner blogger, i thought through about certain issues before writing a blog (maybe those who want to have a blog may think through these issues too....)
1) confidentiality (how much are you willing to share )
as blogs can be ranged from privatised -------- very open ,the level of how much you share in your blog depends greatly on
a)your level of openess,
b) the reason of sharing and
c) your audience.
for me, i use my blog as information giving , audience mainly my frens, students, relatives, family.i try not to give any confidential information such as address, phone number etc.
2) language
as a form of respect to others and myself, i am strongly against profanity.
i like to use english as well as chinese cos it is me.
3)think before you act
i think it is wise to think and plan what you want to write and put on your blog so that others may benefit from it:P

for the above issues, hope it is useful to those new bloggers out there!


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