My VIP experience On OM Doulos Ship

On 12 th november sunday , i and a few of ex mission tripper friends had the great opportunity to visit our friends as VIPS in the famous OM Doulos Ship(it was docked next to Vivo city). We got to walk up the VIP was really exciting , to visit the crew and how they live on board :P

Though the ship is not big, it actually holds 320 crew (include all ages from babies to elderly), everyone comes from different part of the world, and they have everything on board, school, shops, cafe, library etc. It is like a small world in the Noah's ark , despite of different languages, colours, races, they have the same faith...believing in sharing the love of God through service , mission and knowledge.

Our friend Rebecca, shares her joy in coming on board ,her facial expression looks tired but joyful in the presence of God...her contentment despite no source of income and material things ...really make me envious...

When we asked how we could help her, she answered:" i am contented with what ever God has given me , i am not in lack...even if i do not know of any one who can support me in any way...."
" sometimes, when the ship wandered in the middle of the ocean, no land can be seen, the beautiful vast piece of blue sky and blue ocean, suddenly it seems we are soo small in His eyes and He is holding us in His hands."
i must pen down the words before i forget, these are such beautiful picturesqre of the vision of God and us.Her faith in God is so admirable, i suddenly felt i am working ...for what make a living?...for God?...yet God does not need us to work for Him...for chase after material support my family?
We will never learn to trust God fully and live by faith as Paul mentioned in the bible, unless we take up the cross and follow Him fully..

if you find my thoughts very philosophical, its ok...jus my thoughts anyway...

^^Want to know more about the Doulos Ship , visit :


Anonymous said…
Its so true, dont think we can ever trust God fully.
Anonymous said…
"meaningless! meaningless! says the Teacher. Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless!".
Guess I feel the same way sometimes.

But I guess the desperation of meaninglessness, or purposeless activities makes us want to find meaning in something, which only God Himself fills.

So, follow God fully today by doing my best in the work that God put in my hands, even though it is meaningless. Trust God fully by doing my best in what He makes me do today working in this *meaningless* work place. Share His love to someone, who may find life as meaningless as I do. Perhaps I won't find my life so meaningless and purposeless as I thought it to be.

Thanks for your post! I know i'm not alone. =)

Happy blogging!
hopefish  said…
thank you for sharing and identifying with me:P


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