I am here in bangkok

Photo at Chatuchak market

SAWADEE KA...Now is 9.10 am ...this is my 4th day in bangkok...in Wattana Mansion...got free internet access:P
very hot here...got sunburn on the face :(...had fun shopping on the 2nd day at Chatuchak market..can spend almost a whole day there....alot interesting things to see..but it gets very crowed as day goes by....you can get very good bargain stuff there...have to take time and search...
next we went to MBK where almost everything from clothes to shoes go at 199 baht(less than $8.60)

no wonder singaporeans like this place so much...the things here is pretty cheap too...
Thais people are generally hospitable and friendly, but i feel thais in bangkok are more modernised and definitely more brand conscious...


Anonymous said…
I thought I read in the Straits Times that Chatuchak market was brought down by some hunks and was damaged by fire?

Guess they rebuilt it real quick or only a small portion of it was damaged. (Talk about media exagerration) Or maybe I read the news in my dreams??

Haha, anyway, glad that it's still there bustling as ever!!! Happy shopping!

hopefish  said…
yap , still as bustling as before...should go with weimin ...cheewee bought a lot of stuff too:P

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