Travelogue: Free and Easy Self Drive in Tasmania

Did you know?
CHRISTMAS also means: CHRIST is MAn's Savior

On Christmas day...i am accompanying my hubby (who is busy with his assignment due )at home...watched alot of tv ...slept alot preparing lessons for the next year...most people would think teachers got lots of holidays...well ...we worked hard...played hard too...2 more days before my school meetings start and work will follow on... Tasmania...a peaceful , beautiful island standing on its own, separated from its mother land (Australia) by a stretch of sea..Accompanied by 3 of my colleagues , we went on an adventurous self-drive trip on this island..
-flew by Qantus Airways...7 hrs flight...almost vommited ...alot of turbulence...despite of the good flow of food and icecream...the flight journey was not at all pleasant:(
-reached melbourne , went thru series of strict..have to declare some food items we brought from singapore...scared "fine" by the Aussie government.
-finally boarded domestic to Hobart (city in Tas)...there, thankfully no more checks...
-Got our main transport of the trip : A Nissan 1.8l car from Budget..
-Ist SHOCK: weather was cold!...though temp is 24'c ...the wind was freezzing....and colder than expected:(...
-2nd SHOCK: as the weather is dry ...everytime we touch the car or metal parts...we got Electrifying Shock! Aiyo!
-Our Apartment:Innkeeper ...self contained cottage
-Attractions: 1) Port Arthur (Historical prison )
-we didnt go in cos admission fee expensive
2)Tasmanian Devil Park
-read and get to know more abt this going-to-be extinct animal
3)Devil's Kitchen/Tasman Arch/Tasman Blowhole
-beautiful well carved seacaves made by natural phenomenon of soil erosion

15 dec (Hobart)
1)Sorell Farm
-6 aussie ($7.50)can buy a tuppleware box where you can pick your own strawberries, raspberries, cherries them while you careful of bees and insects while picking
-also buy fresh jams, fruit wine , try their fruit ice cream as well...
-Tasmanian aussie very friendly , patient and warm. Good service too..can try whatever you like:)
2)Richmond town
-visited MODEL Museum ...where Richmond town in mini size...
3)Cadbury Factory
-sadly, didnt manage to go in even though we reached there in time...have to book...:(
4)Hobart city centre
16dec (Hobart)
1)Salamaca Market (only open on Saturdays)
- A Must-GO! @tourist attraction...lots to buy and see...
-Interesting Buys: hand-designed bags , designed wood and metal items, tourist sovenior stuff (cheaper than city), lots of sweet -smelling soap and oil..
-Interesting Finds: Young budding musicians, rock band, "standing" europe
-went to a cafe for breakfast, served strawberries with soft pancakes...yumyum
-travelled 1 & 1/2hrs to Bicheno
-beautiful seaside view , serenity and romanticsm...good place for honeymoon
-our apartment: Diamond Innkeeper offers 10% discount on penguin tour at night and great seafood by the sea
1)Penguin Tour
-A MUST-DO!...real life uncaged penguins coming back from the sea to their homes and families
-Remember to wear thick clothings (freezzing at night)!!!!
Left beautiful Bicheno and on 2 & 1/2hrs to Launceston
Stopover @ Evandale Town
1)Evandale Market (only open on Sun)
-like flea market
-people get their barangs and sell them cheaply in the market
-interesting finds: rings (1 aussie), necklace (3 for 5 aussie),small decorative items at cheap price
-our apartment like old army camp...woody and slightly eerie....
-had lunch @ KFC in city town (confusing-lots of 1-way street)
1)Lavender Farm
-free tour by the guide in the shop
-should try lavender icecream (also can try in Hokkaido)
-beautiful lavender blossoming , careful of bees while taking photos!
2)Cataract Gorge (only 5 mins walk to our apartment)
-jaw-opening and under-advertised scenary, like the serenity of the place
-spent 30 mins slow walk...鸟语花香

Sweet smelling Lavender flowers in season....
i bought lots of soap , massage oil for calming purposes:P
left Launceston to Cradle Mountain
stopover@ Deorraine Town for lunch
-after 1&1/2 hrs of winding road, finally reached
(Must Go!!!) Cradle Mountain
-good and well furnished apartment, very cosy
Warning: very cold on the mountains, wear thick clothings!
-heavy rain and wind, so cannot go sight seeing...:(
woke up early @6.30am to go sightseeing in Cradle
(day starts at 4 am till 8pm--long days in summer)
1)Dove Lake
-one word: WOW!
Stopover @Sheiffields Town
-hand-painted pictures all over the town
-ate @ scottish restaurant
-saw Tasmanian Emu
Our farm stay @Silver Ridge Resort
-get to see chickens, horses, cows (smelly cow dung)
-FREE NIGHT TOUR: to see wallobis and possums!
-Warning: wear sport shoes and bring a torch!

My painful experience for not wearing sport shoes... attacked by small cactus and the night thrill watching wallobis and possums(see pic above)
Back in Launceston
1)sweet making factory (next to our apartment reception)
-handmake chocolates and sweets for you to try
2)Seahorse world
-thought we ended up in a wrong place cos we are at a port!
-no lah...right place...cos seahorse breeds using sea water!
-Free admission cos we booked the package from singapore
-Interesting Facts: it is a female dominated society,female gets to choose the guys,have to do the mating dance in order to mate, only male sea horse gets pregnant, they take care of babies ...
(I like this society!):):)
travelled back to Melbourne
1)Victoria Market
-had 3 hrs to shop @ victoria market
-big pasar malam ranged from food, fruits, vegetables to clothings, and handbags
-delicious fish palatte @ market food stalls
-Melbourne aussies not as friendly as Tas aussies (racists?)
-Scorching hot in melbourne too!
finally boarded flight back to Singapore:P yeah yeah! 满载而归


Anonymous said…
Wah! So envy. I also want to go!
Just by the the way you described, I am already tempted by it!
hopefish  said…
be prepared to spend around $2.5k
.the airticket is quite expensive..unless you go in nonpeak months eg oct .

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