MOOD swings...

dunno why i am having mood swings lately..maybe the rain..or maybe my flu...a lot of people sick sick.... maybe becos my baby brother is going away for 2 years....a bit blue and melancholy...yesterday went shopping with my bro and his wife karen....his wife also likes korean shows...esp sad sad ones...i enjoy sad ones too....i am glad i made the choice to go back and shop....makes me liven up a bit after shopping..:)
on our way back...he and his wife pushing the ntuc trolley together...the image suddenly makes me realise that my brother is no longer "mine" ...i shadnt have to worry about him anymore cos he now has a partner to help him...both of them now have to work hand in walk together ...

the image etched in my mind when i slept last nite...i am happy for them...


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