Film Festival : Four Minutes

Recently , in our department, there has been a chaze for watching films and musicals...i have always like foreign films , didnt have the chance to chaze for them cos 没有知音. A colleague is a fanatic , she reads movie critics and reviews. she's the one who recommend what to watch...this year 20th singapore international film festival , we bought tickets to watch "Four Minutes"
"Four Minutes"-- a German movie about a young female prisoner who is a piano child prodigy ..taught by eighty-year-old Traude Kruger is a music teacher to hardened criminals in a women's prison...who turned out to be a lesbian...interesting story plot and irony of human behavior and mental psychology...

i love the ending ...with Jenny the female delinquent playing an explosive piano piece of classical music with hip hop:P

too bad the festival is ending soon...would love to watch a few more if there is chance...


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