if you believe wat u read in news

yesterday during contact time, our p announced how the increment by moe will be like...actually no increment at all...all bluff by the media n newspaper...all of us awaiting for his good news...in the end...全落空....why i explain...

the so called increment...is as what in the newspaper...a one-time performance bonus...mind you one time hor ...not many times...in case u think being a teacher sooo rich ....and based on your performance last year hor...so if you get lousy grade ...you may not get any bonus at all....

the so called increment is placed in a package called CONNECT plan ...where MOE will put some money from what u earn each year and help you save up....till you decide to "retire", then you can take some money out...so no cash given....depends on your loyalty to MOE...

all these so called plans ...just want to retain staff as teachers like all jobs have high turnover rate...cos of burnout..lack of job satisfaction...mandune job scope...

if you are someone just looking for a iron rice bowl...you can try moe but only for the ist3 years ...after that ....you may really reconsider...the propects while ....you will be also stressed by results driven , performance driven, meeting parents ' expectations...all kinds of emotional , behavorial , and special kids (ADHD, physically challenged..hearing impaired...autism...depression...anger management...spoilt kids etc etc) in school...and of cos love kids, parents and moe system

of cos..wat i wrote just my own opinion ..no offence to those teachers out there...who have slogged hard for many many years...enjoying your fruits of labor...(buying condo...private estate...driving merc...)


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