it is all about Him

Today's Good Friday , the day Jesus died for our sin even though he has none and on Sun He is Risen from prove to the world that He is God. i take the bread that symbolise His body and the cup that symbolise His blood that is shed on the Cross...with gratitude i give thanks...because of Him , i am changed from a low self esteem ...depressed ...once lost a cheerful...confident...self aware..girl...learning to be a woman...joyful now knowing the fact that i do not face life alone..but full assurance that because i have HIM in my life...i can face matter how tough it can be

My PRAYER today:

Almighty and compassionate Father, I know that not only did Jesus die for me, but he died for those who don't even know it yet. Please stir my passion to share that saving message with others who do not yet know the saving grace you have given me in sending Jesus and having him die for my sins. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.


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