Season of Rest: Voice Care and Organic food

THIS year is indeed a season of REST for me...

Being a full time teacher and partime choir singer, i am on high risk of overusing my vocal chords...
worse as...i have a sensitive nose...often having flu ...
i have been suffering from loss of voice and hoarseness everytime after my's getting more frequent after i moved house to the west....well blame the weather blame the pollution ...blame my sensitive nose...i decided to take less oily food more fruits everyday...go organic...vegetables and vitamins...and of cos drink lots of water ...and manuka honey...

methods i have tried :
1)sore throat sweets (strepsils, recently discovered a sweet from aussie...suitable in curing sore throat)
2)manuka honey
3)luohan guo
5)drink lots of water ...esp warm hot water helps..
6)voice care
7)use mic when teaching
8)never shout unnecessary pray for my vocal chords to be totally recover...u cannot imagine the torment of losing an important instrument ...for God...

i remember one time during worship service not being able to sing to God...i sing in my heart ...and i cried out to God...asking Him to heal me so that i can sing for Him...
He comforts me and tells me that worship is not just about singing a song to Him but it is from the heart and soul from a true worshipper...i cried...

perhaps this season of rest has its purpose ..."For i know the plans i have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you..plans to give you hope and a future." Jer 28

May God reveal Himself and His plans for me as i wait upon Him with silence...


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