Thots and feelings...

最近不知怎么了,always in a reflective has been a bit slow for me this semester cos NIE trainee took over my p5 class for 2 abit relaxed ...yet being relieved of duties doesnt make me happy...instead a bit depressed.... my colleagues thot i was crazy when i asked to help mark books for them...hahhha...

perhaps i used to work...and work for the past 3 years...suddenly slow down...make me feel lost and perhaps empty...started to reflect , rethink...a bout my life ...a bout what i can do...i should do...what i want to do....yet...on the other hand...there was fear...comfort zone...anxiety....sigh...not so adventurous any more....

in case you wonder whether my bro called home...he did finally...last sun before my mum went malaysia to 扫墓...i am glad...relieved...we bought the web cam ...but didnt have the chance to use it yet...

my hubby abit worried abt my "reflective" mood cos he knows me too well...that my mind may wander too far the negative side...kept praying for me to think positive i am praying and trying to fill my life with positive thots while "reflecting" upon my listless and meaningless life....opps...

hope those out there who are reading my blog will not be affected by me:)

have a great week not be anxious and worried beyong what you can bear....


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