3 days course on special needs

my sch sent me to attend a 3 full day course on special needs. it was very intensive course, with presentation, assignments and online survey and all...phew finally over...suffeered abit of post -fatigue....so sorry folks out there who has been looking out for updates on my blog...

however, i learnt alot abt the course...share with all of you...
1)do you know that(abt 3000) of our students in singapore are diagnosed with EBD (emotional behavioral disorders...these include anxiety disorder, emotional disorder, behavioral disorder)
2)Autism is a spectrum disorder...ranges from mild to chronic ...most of diagnosed cases are mainly asperger's syndrome...high functioning autism
3)dsylexia can come in many forms dysaprxia, discalulia..difficulty in spelling, writing, reading, counting...
4) to diagnose a case of disorder: -must be persistent and prolonged over at least 6 months,
pervasive (happen in all the subject classes tt the child attended),dysfunctional (affecting daily functioning of child)
5) GOOD NEWS! more support given to schools to help teachers cope with the increasing number of special needs children who are integrating in mainstream
6) more questions: is every SPECIAL NEED child suitable for mainstream?

interesting websites:

" Every child is unique in God's eyes, always look at what he is , rather than what he has."


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