Beijing Ren 《北京人》

Last sat, went with a group of colleagues to watch a play from Beijing "Beijing Ren". It was a long 3 hrs show @Esplanade...though ended up we running to catch the last was pretty worth it...
an interesting plot with many emotionally-entangled relationships of modern and traditional era...still relevant to our society now where we still face issues of being either too enmeshed with our families or too detached from them.

Cao Yu's own personal favourite play Beijing Ren comes to Singapore replete with a vast paper-house that bespeaks the fragility and fractured emotions of the people who live and take shelter in it. Set in 1937, a family is torn apart by selfishness, divided loyalties, unrequited and unfulfilling love, and yet unable to escape its own entrapment. This theatre classic exposes the eclipse of traditional feudal families at a time of turbulent change in China.



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