Grace Retreat 2007

KOINONIA~ the fellowship theme for this yr grace retreat has lived up to its name as there are little distractions ...hotel away from main shopping broadband channels ...just the big 5 star hotel and the church...
initially, i resisted the idea "huh, fellowship games? sian lah..."
but God changed my perspective totally the next morning when we did corporate devotion 1cor 12 " the body has many different parts , not just one part...but God has put each part just where he wants fact some parts of the body that seem weakest and least important are actually the most necessary. and the parts we regard as less honorable are those we clothe with the greatest care....if one part suffers, all parts suffer with it, and if one part is honored, all parts are glad....all of you together are Christ's body, and each of you is a part of it."

we had fun playing the fellowship games...男女老少都参与...quite fun...of cos the pastors led example and joined in the fun as well...dun worry the next GRACE POINTER will have all the pictures:)

Thank God for HIs providence of a wonderful roommate Valerie...we realised we had so much in sisters:) really thank God for her...thru her...i saw faith and endurance in God...she was sick yet she stayed thru out service...believed strongly in God's healing ...
thru her, i got to know new frens as well Liza (caffine lover), Joen, Anna and Joshua, Henry and Jasmine....

of cos, mustnt forget the powerful words from Rev Sam Ferina and his lovely wife...both so humble and gave so much to the lord for missions..
i relearned my basic foundations as a christian and was reminded of my childlike faith when i ist received christ...
some powerful quotes from his sermons:
" To be rich is NOt a sin, but to Die rich it is a sin." rick warren
"posture of a listener"--no distractions, fast ftom media, books, internet, waiting upon God, scripture
"I AM"--write 10 " i am" declaring your identity in christ
"God speaks everywhere"
Jere 33:3 " Call onto me and I will answer you and show you great n mighty things which you do not know"

we also got a chance to encourage others , give a word to those we do not really really increases your faith as others affirm that you hear clearly from God...

besides, fellowship, i got to experience being a "tai tai"...went for a balinese aromatherapy massage for an hour...truly rejuvenating....feel very refreshed....

a THUMBS UP for this yr retreat!


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