
THat DAY is really special ...a friend sms me to remind me how blessed i am on this day...

GREEN day...did you wear green to support our mother earth that day? quite a few of my colleagues did...one of them self declared she hates green but becos to support mother earth she wore green..woah!

i didnt cos our school also had event that day ...OPEN HOUSE... i was in charge of Reading Club activities for my students ...thank God ...it was pouring early in the morning...but it didnt dampen our spirits...the sun came out later and everything went on smoothly that day...managed to promote love of reading chinese books to parents , public and even el teachers...

and Sharon and Victor's BIG day...a pity i didnt manage to attend..anyway....CONGRATS to both of YOU!!!!!...i believe God will continue to use both of you mightily in His kingdom :P


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