Going Green

Going Green...with all the talk and concerts coming up to protect our Earth...its a wonder how much are we really doing to help our Poor Earth being sick...can singaporeans make more effort to help our earth?

i remember my students who just came back from p5 camp, complaining to me how bad the conditions of the camp is ..."teacher , did you know the camp dont have any aircon at all?! and the toliet flushing system is always not working...!"

and my colleagues in the staffroom complaining..."aiyo...why the classrooms not air conditioned? so warm outside..." and you observed tons of papers printed , not used and wasted...

at the supermarket, while they emphasized recycling and bring your own plastic bags...some cashiers still use so many plastic bags for different types of items...

i think singapore still has a long way to go to change her people's mindset abt saving the earth:(


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