Voice Care

Some tips and info i found when i had problems with my voice...hope they are useful for you folks outthere:P...do exchange tips on ways you found to be effective to protect your voice...



some learning points:

I. Hydration

The vocal folds need to be lubricated with a thin layer of mucus in order to vibrate efficiently. The best lubrication can be achieved by drinking plenty of water. A good rule of thumb (if you have normal kidneys and heart function) is to drink at least two quarts of water daily. Dr. Van Lawrence, world renowned Laryngologist, often said, “Drink until you pee pale.”

Caffeine and alcohol pull water out of your system and deplete the vocal folds of needed lubrication. Caffeinated drinks include coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Small amounts of these beverages are acceptable but must be counterbalanced by drinking more water.

Another factor that can affect lubrication is a dry air environment. The cause can be from gas furnaces, air conditioners, and climates with a low amount of moisture in the air. Using a humidifier at night can compensate for the dryness.

The air in airplanes is extremely dry. It is recommended that you avoid alcoholic, caffeinated beverages and drink at least 8 ounces of water per hour while flying.

II. Throat Clearing & Harsh Coughing

Throat clearing and harsh coughing are traumatic to the vocal cords and should be reduced as much as possible. One of the most frequent causes for throat clearing and coughing is thick mucus (due to dry vocal folds) or too much mucus (as with a cold) on or below the vocal folds. The safest and most efficient way to clear mucus is by using a gentle, breathy productive cough where there is high airflow with little sound. This can be achieved by using the following strategy: take in as deep a breath as possible, momentarily hold your breath, and produce a sharp, silent “H” sound while you expel the air.

Requirements For A Healthy Voice

• Try your best to maintain good general health. Get adequate rest to minimize fatigue. If you do become ill, avoid "talking over your laryngitisee" - see your physician and rest your voice.

• Exercise regularly.

• Eat a balanced diet, including vegetables, fruit and whole grains.

• Maintain body hydration; drink two quarts of water daily.

• Avoid dry, artificial interior climates and breathing smoggy, polluted air.

• Limit the use of your voice in high-ceilinged restaurants, noisy parties, cars and planes.

• Avoid throat clearing and voiced coughing.

• Stop yelling – avoid calling from room to room.

• Avoid hard vocal attacks on initial vowel words.

• Use the pitch level in the same range where you say, "Umm-hmm?"

• Speak in phrases rather than in paragraphs, and breath slightly before each phrase.

• Reduce demands on your voice – don’t do all the talking!

• Learn to breathe silently to activate your breath support muscles and reduce neck tension.

• Take full advantage of the two free elements of vocal fold healing: water and air.

• Vocal athletes must treat their musculoskeletal system as do other types of athletes; therefore, vocal warm-ups should always be used prior to singing. Vocal cool-downs are also essential to keep the singing voice healthy.

Some additional suggestions for good vocal care are:

• If you need to get someone’s attention, use non-vocal sounds such as clapping, bells or whistling.

• Move closer to those with whom you are speaking.

• Face the person(s) with whom you are speaking.

• Use amplification, as needed, if possible.

• Reduce your speaking time in noisy environments, such as in automobiles and airplanes.

Optimal Speaking Techniques:

• Use good abdominal/diaphragmatic breathing and support.

• Learn to use your voice with as little unnecessary effort and tension as possible.

• Take frequent breaths when speaking long sentences.

• Maintain a smooth legato speech pattern with clear articulation.

• Allow the neck, jaw, and face to be relaxed.

• “Place” or “Focus” the voice appropriately.

• Speak at a normal rate of speed.

• Use good vocal inflection.


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