Non Violent Communication

sorry folks out there...wondering why i have been MIA from my blog for the past 2 weeks...have been sick...busy with the school starting a new term...also busy with upgrading of the few workshops i attended recently is about NVC...

What is it?
Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is sometimes referred to as compassionate communication. Its purpose is to strengthen our ability to inspire compassion from others and to respond compassionately to others and to ourselves. NVC guides us to reframe how we express ourselves and hear others by focusing our consciousness on what we are observing, feeling, needing, and requesting.

my thots n comments:
i went for the workshop thinking i might learn a miraculous technique for communicating with people esp violent the end i realise the change needed is not for others but for myself...
NVC is a PROCESS...not a need to practise it in order to fully understand the essence of it..however unless the people around you also practise cannot fully use it on others cos they may not understand the NVC language...

i sound contradicting...well it is not hard to learn...more of the renewing of your u look at issues and people...and going thru the process of observing , feelings and started to look beyond people's actions ....looking beyond the reason of the actions...
and saw the real needs of these people....

sounds interesting? can pick up the book at kinokuyina if interested...

Check out the website for more info:


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