The 7 Habits of Highly Effective TEENs

i had a privilege to attend a 2 full days workshop on The 7 habits of Highly Effective Teens Facilitator workshop. I am now a certified facilitator ! however, can only use it in my school, not extended elsewhere:( anyway, the trainer said its a good start...we can upgrade to be trainer one day if we are interested...:)
Surprisingly, it was not the usual moe -impart and share strategy workshop.
Instead,it has been an empowering and therapeutic course. there was so much synergy among the group members, which was surprising cos even though we were colleagues, we do not really bond...but these 2 days, there was so much sharing and bonding...that some of us almost want to cry at the end of the workshop...must thank the trainer Peter Chua from Right management ...he is really an effective to identify the needs of the participants ...try to share and link relevant egs to relate back to the needs...take time to understand and bond with participants.....influence and reframe our words and thought processes...very skilled (a combination of trainer and counsellor)
...must really learn from him
my learning points:
-JOURNEY WITHIN: actually not so much abt 7 habits...its skills and teaching techniques...
but ITS FOUNDATIONS...that brought all of us ...a journey within...
-PERSONALISE IT : it changed me as a person to believe in the 7 habits....empowers me before i can convincingly empower others with the knowledge
-FACILITATOR's role : is to draw out learning...not to teach...not to feed...but to impart and let students learn and discover for themselves
-TEACH ME- the skill to allow one to learn thru teaching another person
-LIFE STORIES/Inspirational videos: real applicable life stories /testimonies can impact another
-PARADIGM SHIFT-not just positive thinking, but REframing and Renewing of one's mind
-DEBRIEF: it is important to debrief after using one video, or game...every activity used must be PURPOSEFUL
-Habit 7 : Sharpen the Saw- spoke to me the most, it mainly emphasizes the need to renew oneself take care of yourself ist before you take care of others ...Balance between 4 dimensions: Body, Brain, Heart, Soul...very biblical
if you are interested to know more:
Check out the founder book by his dad Stephen Covey : The 7 Habits of Effective people...
it's going to be my next book in read...


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