Emotional Balance

Read an interesting article about giving and receiving and how an imbalance can hurt your emotional health.

Just wanna to share with all of you out there, a few ways :
1) tell the people in your life what you appreciate about them - the things you admire, respect, enjoy, envy, and are awed by. How often do you let your friends and family know how much you appreciate them?
2) Extend this gift of appreciation to colleagues and associates. Even people you had a brief encounter with; if they impressed you or was good to you or did a favour for you, tell them how much it meant. Be generous with your appreciation. It costs you nothing but it makes them feel great, and you'll feel wonderful too.
3) When you go to someone else's home, bring them something - some fruit, a drink, a flower, even a note.
4)Introduce people who could benefit from knowing each other socially or professionally. You may feel awkward the first few times you do this, but it is a completely learnable skill and a wonderful way to be of service to the people in your life.
5)Give away stuff you don't use any more - dusty books clogging up your cupboards and shelves, CDs you never listen to anymore, bags, clothes, even appliances. These things have much more value in them yet in other hands.

Personal note: it is important and bibilical to give, but it is also important to receive..this , i am still learning.


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