AfterThoughts about my trip to Egypt

5000 years of civilisation, i am amazed by the intelligence of the ancient Egyptians and our forefathers as well...

Throughout my short 9 days trip, there are lots to see and learn. Wanna share some of my thots and feelings of wat i saw with u folks out there (below are just my own opinions):

-SAFETY: A convoy car (like a policeman car) often had to guide our way thru our Egypt journey. for safety purposes of cos...heard there was a great masscere many years ago when many tourists were killed, affected the tourism here. there are quite a number of stops where soldiers or policemen will ask the bus driver who are these people on the bus , and where we come from.. some of the older folks in our tour grp were a bit concerned whenever the bus stopped for check up.

-FOOD: Egyptians love sweet stuff. they can put 4 teaspoons of sugar in a cup...sometimes not enuf! throughout our journey, we are well fed with rice, pasta, meat , eggs and salads...better than my trip to europe 2 yrs ago!

-PEOPLE: abt 90% of Egyptians are muslims, and prayers can be heard loud and clear almost 3-4times a day as schools, public boards, mosques cried out in their loud speakers to talk to allah their god. as a christian, i feel very burdened to pray for this country whom God has given Moses and forefathers to do miracles in this land...but few know Him ...

egyptians...their looks are very mixed now...with their history of Greeks , Romans and English taking over their land ...the people in different cities looked like Arabs, Europeans, Africans, Indians....

our tour guide shared with us : Muslim females in Egypt are quite modern , believed in love marriages...can work and study ...and date in public....however most muslim families still believe in matchmaking and if a couple married becos of love, they may not be able to visit their families after marriage(sort of shut them from the main family root). Females marry from 16 to 25 yrs...older than 30 yrs...not good for their reputation....(Social stigma)

however, throughout my trip, those who served us are mainly males ...even on the roads, i do not really see females walking publicly....even kids

WITH EXTRAORDINARY STRENGTH, i was amazed on the ist nite how the porter packed and pulled our luggages on a pulley...its too bad i didnt take down the video...even the males in our tour grp were amazed!

-MUMMIES AND PYRAMIDS: most of the pyramids we cannot enter for viewing...when asked if we could...tour guide said there was nothing to see...most of the so called treasures and mummies were either stolen / taken away by other countries or preserved in Egyptian museum

i was blessed to meet Mrs Thomas who is an assistant to professor (Archeology) in Cario University on my flight back to singapore...she shared with me how egyptians believed strongly about afterlife and how they did mummification ..that preserved their bones in well intact shape if untouched till many centuries of years...

when she first saw the was misty , not mouldy smell as people is amazing how ancient Egyptians did it...

when asked whether curses are real, she thot and answered...on the outside of tomb, it did written in ancient egyptian carvings: those who touch the tomb with bad intentions , something will happen to them..

so now they used high tech scanner to scan the bone structure without taking out the mummies...and acknowledged their documentations to the egyptians....she believed this will honor the ancient egyptians (anyway she has been doing these for 23 yrs ...wat do u think?)


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