New Year , New Awakening...2008

New Year, New Awakenings...2008
this year started for me, new seating place (i moved down from staffroom level3 to
level 2) hairstyle(i cut my beautiful long hair short student now hahha) spectacles (old one was broken by my hubby when he was trying to hug me while i was washing dishes...hahhahh) job responsibilities (teaching me more english lessons instead of only teaching chinese subjects)
and of cos new Resolutions for the new year...i surprised myself by spending 5 hrs on 31st dec 2007 reflecting and chatting to God (i am not crazy lah...:P)
actually, was very tempted to take masters...but when God asked me why?...i searched deep in my heart...the motives are not pure....
God asked me ,"did i ever short change you?"
i started to cry....
yes , He never did ...
from the time i received Jesus in my life...
i told life belongs to him ...only Him...
how He brought my family thru He brought me thru uni He let me know my hubby...and how He changed me...He never did short change me...
yet i was bothered and misled by things in the world...
bothered by how others look at me
bothered by what the future lies..if i continued what i am doing....
The 5 hrs...was fruitful of cos...i found what i have lost ...
my love for God ...
to be content with the things He has given
to be faithful in little things
to be Mary instead of Martha...
to Know Him than be cluttered by the worldly affairs must be thinking...this gal so holy...
nope...just very reflective that's all
" As we choose God and His people, God will use that choice in ways that exceed our imagination"


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