Spring Renewal

Jan and Feb flew passed without me knowing, i had been so busy trying to run after time...i forgot to pace and remember God in the midst of all chaos...

i Thank God this year that i found a christian fellowship in my school...it was an answered prayer...as last year i was praying to find a better place where i can find solace away from negativity , gossip and politicking...etc...Praise God for answered prayer...

As a christian of this world, it is not always to be who God wants you to be when you are faced with different challenges everyday ...that sometimes you feel integrity and justice and values are in conflict with each other.

sometimes you just want to shut yourself from this world of ours and go to a place where you can really be yourself , free from judgement, deception ...

i like the chinese show on Channel U “ 简单就是美”, how i dream and look forward to such days i can just live simply...

pray for me as i pray for myself to learn to be content in all situations and be strong n courageous in doing things God would wan me to do...

Watch the movie from Dayspring: (i like the nature pictures that comes with verses...very tranquil...)hope you folks out there enjoy it too....:P


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