The Challenges of a Working Mum

 i got inspired to find out more about how working mums manage their time while taking care of children after reading the TODAY's article dated 24 feb about "Wives and the other woman-the mum-in-law".

it wrote "Singaporean mum cant win when it comes to balancing family and work, it seems" ;" almost all respondents thought it is necessary for mums to work and contribute to the family's finances, yet almost half of them also agreed that women shd stay home to care for the children" ...the survey based on an annual Asian lifestyle survey by brand communications firm .

So i decided to do a survey around the people around me...wanting to find out more about the challenges and concerns of a working mum and benefits of being a working mum....

what i found out after asking abt 20 working mums:

Their Challenges:>
1)no personal free time
2)more stress/tired easily
3)more responsibility
4)juggling /multitasking-the need to have do many tasks in a short time
5)issues with kids -no time to monitor their sch work yet making sure they scored well
6)issues with mother in laws/mothers (different style of parenting)
7)issue with maids (worry more if they dun trust maids)
8)tutors/tuition centres (how to find a suitable tutor for kid so that their results improve)
9)before and after school care(put kids there so that i can work at ease knowing somebody is looking after my child)
10)no time for couple time except talking abt kids' studies/daily chores

Their Concerns:>
1)worry about how kids behave /sch work/results
3)work /promotion/raise
4)dun get appreciated

The Benefits:>
1)better self esteem
2)has money to buy own wants
5) in tune with whats new

On a Personal note:

i felt a bit stressed after hearing all these, initially when i thot of family planning. i felt personally that for me raising kids on my own is more impt than work (as i was raised by my mum who is a full time housewife, i believe that being there for my kids are more impt).

as a teacher , i also saw the increasing number of kids with behavioral problems, adding on to poor academic results due to dual income family ...but we cant blame the working mums alone...raising children needs both parents to work together ..and often than not behavorial problems are more evideng in kids who lack of good father role models...

i can only sigh the reality of our society which values Results and Achievement more important than Basic Moral Values eg Care, Respect, Courtesy...and
the present child -rearing options for working mums in singapore seems limited and we really lack a supportive environment to raise kids...

ok enuf of complaining....of cos there are a few case studies i met , the successful working mums producing well-behaved successful kids.

SOME TIPS from them:

1)CHOOSE wat is important to YOU ( rather than lamenting "NO CHOICE" "NO TIME")
-if it's kids more impt, perhaps you have to sacrifice something else (eg promotion)
2) MANAGE yourself
-Loving and taking care of ourselves is as impt as taking care of others
-if you manage yourself ist, you dun get burn out so easily
3) Get HELP
-if you cant manage , get help....whether it's abt your never endless household chores, fetching your kids, your kids' homework
-it is impt to leave communication channels open with husbands, kids...dun just talk abt what is is impt to CARE abt your family members too..

(above are my own consolidation and personal advice)



Anonymous said…
thx for ur's very useful&worthy.
nice 2 meet u

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