"The Gateway of Heaven"

" Again, i tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven.
For where two or three come together in my name, there am i with them."
~ Matt 18:19

i came to the prayer meeting last night with heavy laden heart, thinking it was going to be another night listening to worship, the band and the word...the routine..and lives unchanged...perhaps its the tireness in me also makes me weary...

when i walked to the prayer chapel...and heard the singing voices, my heart leapt..i wanted and desired to meet God...

as i allowed my heart to be open and as the worship song lingered in my heart

i sense my spirit lifted up by the power of His Holy Presence...

i wept and prayed and cried out to Him...

its been a long time.. Father

"Now i belong to You...in your name i will lift my hands...i long to love you with all i am..."

Pastor shared and showed us a short video about the "Gateway of Heaven", where people gathered in the mornings first to meet God...and how lives of men were changed and restored...

Gen 28: 20 " Jacob's prayer"

"when Jacob woke up from his sleep, he thought," Surely the Lord is in this place, and i was not aware of it."

He was afraid and said," How awesome is this place!This is none other than the house of God ; this is the Gate of Heaven."

Pastor also encouraged us to take out the "IFs" in our lives...

IF God will do...

GOD WILL DO IT...according to His Will , His Plan , His Purpose...

i believe even when inflation comes, and stock maket fluacuates...prices go up...there is a reason and a purpose...but are we willing to seek His Face First...?


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