HOLIDAYS and relaz

holidays in ...
and i think i realli lax at home...
been sleeping alot...making up for all the lost sleep for the past few months...
reading comics, doing housework, watching korean dramas, reading books, listening to music
yesterday went spa trial with my church girlfriend at chinatown
went for bamboo massage
i like it , helps to tone and sculpt the body esp the buttocks and thighs...
my friend tried the healing spa...she commented ok only as the water got cold in between...
quite fun
maybe next time go again
i will be travelling again...this time to exotic Greece...with my church girlfren...
ask me why never with laogong...hehehha ...
he having exams blue...last paper oredi feeling really stressed...i also feel stressed up seeing like that...watttodo..i can only pray hard for GOD's hand and mercy upon his last paper ...
sigh ...i am human also ...need a break
"have to learn to love yourself,
take care of yourself before you take care of others"
~sandy motto :)


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