Mother Tongue Week 2008 母语周

i have always enjoyed mother tongue week in my school where i can get to learn more about different cultures...(chinese, malay and indian).This year , our students had the chance of learning about painting face, making and eating ondeh and murruku, chinese paper cutting and many more.
lianpu (the art of painting face) 脸谱

the boys finally know how to cut it right...

chinese paper cutting 剪纸-双喜
look like Tele-tubbies?:P

MURUKKU(south indian tibit)
-made of wheat flour and sesame seeds with a bit of butter
the special dough presser for making MURRUKU
the sample MURUKKU -before it gets deep fried

my p6 girl trying out making murruku

the making of ONDEH fav malay kueh kueh

ingredients: gula melaka (diced)
glutinous rice flour
(same type of flour used to make tang yuan)
(make a small hole in the ball to put the gula melaka, and roll gently to cover the gula)

(cooked the ball in water, once it floats, take it out and mixed with grafted coconut,
let it cool down and it is ready to be eaten...YUMMY!!!)
a candid picture of my p6 boys...
childish sometimes...makes
teaching them fun...hahhha


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