How does your Child learn? (Learning Styles)

How Does Your Child Learn?
I had been home-schooling for five years and successfully taught two of my children in maths. But when it came to teaching my third child, aged eight, why was each maths lesson ending in tears? Either he was crying or I was! This was exactly the same curriculum that I had used with my other son and daughter, so shouldn't it work for this child as well?
I began asking other home-educators and reading articles, trying to get any information that I could that might help us in our dilemma. I came across some very helpful information about learning styles. From what I understand, there are three basic styles.

Audio Learner
This type of learner enjoys having stories read to him. He can easily memorize words to songs by just listening to the song. You can explain new maths concepts to him without really writing anything down. Just tell him how to spell a word and he has no problem spelling that word again. Adults in this category can sit and listen to a sermon or lecture and retain quite a bit of what has been taught.

Visual Learner
This learner must see it. Fuller understanding comes if they can see the lesson on the blackboard or if they can follow along in the textbook. This person remembers things in mental pictures. He can always remember someone's face, even if he has met them only briefly. Adults with this learning style get far more out of a sermon if visual aids are used, or if they take notes.

Hands-On Learner
He's great at working with his hands. He loves to discover by exploring or by doing. History comes alive to this child if he can dress up and act out the story. Science can be his strength if it is hands-on, and not just regurgitating a textbook full of facts.

Bear in mind that God has created us in a very complex manner. We all learn in all three of these ways. But if you watch your children carefully and ask God to give you insight, I believe you will begin to see what their most natural learning style is. We should begin teaching in a manner adapted to our child's strongest learning style, but as time passes our goal is to make them strong learners in all three learning styles.

(April Low and her family are Canadians who lived in Texas for eight years before moving to Scotland.
Source: Family Matters 1996


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