LOVE THEM TALK ABOUT SEX (the birds and the bees)

a topic talked most often
a taboo word that most parents shun
a word that most kids are curious about
i attended a workshop by HPB(health promotion board) on sun about how to talk about sex to kids...actually it was directed at parents more than teachers but being curious and with many questions in my head,i went for the talk...
it started late (i was abit irritated) because the actors came late...
but the skit by WILD RICE was very good and thought provoking...
follow by a sharing by a social worker
many parents are so concerned , Q&A session started even before the social worker has a chance to speak
now i share with you my learning points:
1) the DONTS as parents
a) avoid the issue ("i am busy")
b) give partial information
c)give inaccurate info
d)push it to some else (" ask your mum, ask your teacher")
2)KNOW your stand about this issue
- talk with your spouse (it is important as you and your spouse may have differing views )
- VALUE SYSTEM..what are your belief system as parents?
-how COMFORTABLE are you talking about it?
-build up your KNOWLEDGE on the issue (its ok to tell your child you are not sure , will find out more for them)
-be there for your child when he /she needs you
-be approachable, dont scold /nag at the first word
-use real life examples/teachable moments (pregnant lady/watching a movie )
-kids nowadays are well informed by internet and media
-they are curious and want to know more
- how much you share about sexuality issue depends on your child's developmental age and maturity level
A general guide line:
3-10 yrs old -talk to them about body parts (your private parts/how you can protect yourself)
11-13 yrs old- talk to them about puberty and changes in your body/BGR/Values
14-16 yrs old- talk to them about sexuality issues (eg abortion/premarital sex/pregnancy/STD )
/BGR/ Values/Peer Pressure
CHALLENGES kids faced :
1) Sexual desires Awakens (self control)
2) Peer Pressure (my frens are doing it too, my bf will leave me if i dun it)
3) Curiosity (what exactly is sex)
4)Confusing Values and Emotions (want to be loved /accepted /to be cool)
you have an important part to play in imparting values and setting example for your child
dont just rely on teachers and society to teach your child about sex,
teach them before it is too late
(above are my personal notes and comments, not presentation of any organization)
useful websites:


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