the 5 secrets to HAPPINESS

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From John Izzo, Ph.D., author of The Five Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die
the 5 secrets to HAPPINESS
1. Be true to yourself
Izzo explains, “Being true to yourself often means drowning out other voices that would ask you to live their dreams instead of yours.”Knowing what brings you happiness and focusing your life on what matters to you is essential in living a life that sates your soul. In your daily life, it means you know what brings you joy and you live your life to ensure that you follow your joyful destiny.
2. Leave No Regrets
Izzo suggests that one of the keys to moving towards what you want instead of what you fear is to focus on the best possible result and not the worst. Ask yourself, Are you going for what you truly want in your life or acting with fear?
3. Become Love
Izzo gleaned from his interviews was that the choice to give love is even more important in determining happiness than getting it. He says, “These people talked to me about the importance of choosing love and kindness as your way in the world. They taught me that when we choose to be a loving person we find a deep sense of meaning in life.” Ask yourself, Are you choosing to love or fear it?
4. Live the Moment
“One of the most common things people told me was how fast life goes by and how important it is to enjoy each moment,” says Izzo.
One woman told me: ‘You have to stop judging your life and start living your life. Stop keeping score trying to decide if you are winning. "
5. Give More Than You Take
Many of them also reminded me that we have little control over what we get from the world every day (whether people will love us, whether we will win the lottery, etc.) but we have complete control over what we give to the world – whether we choose to be kind, charitable, and to give to others. These people reminded me that everything we take from the world dies with us, but everything we give to the world gets recycled.”
article extracted from


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