Learn CHINESE online

my colleague recommended me this great website where you can write the chinese characters you dont know how to read, this website reads to you!
and even provide you with english and chinese meanings, and reads to you!

***** 5 STARS greatly recommended for people, kids with english speaking background, foreigners who want to learn chinese


Some other websites you may wan to try by MOE:

Xuele 学乐( online Chinese textbook)

it follows closely the textbooks teachers use in school from primary one to primary six.
Parents can also use it to teach hanyupinyin.
You can choose to insert hanyupinyin for parents who has difficulty in reading Chinese .

Unfortunately, it can only be used on computers/laptops, not IPad/iPhone compatible yet.

Oracy Eland 听说E乐园

The software is used in schools to help pupils speak and learn simple Chinese words using pictorial scenarios .

Edumall resources (moe public resources)

Teachers use these websites often for teaching .
Feel free to check out the resources by clicking on the DIRECTORY button on the top right corner of the website.


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