H1N1 paranoia continues...

FIGHTIng the war of H1N1
the first week of school went by quickly...
almost every teacher , every staff (technician, clerk etc) are masked , geared up to visual check pupils every day and check their temperature...
those who had symptoms of fever, flu, cough, sore throat are asked to go home...
of cos many different reactions towards this...
some parents were angry why their kids were asked to go home...
the question of SINUS = FLU? of cos not... but we asked pupils to cover with tissue...
most teachers and pupils are still pretty uncomfortable with wearing masks...despite some cough and having flu...
however, some positive reactions: most parents are socially responsible, making sure their kids are well , if they are not , they will stay at home.
pupils are more aware of hygiene and cleaniness...
i guess H1N1 may bring a good CHANGE , hopefully higher standard of hygiene /graciousness among citizens of singapore...


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