Baby Coaching

Getting Baby to Sleep 12 Hours by 12 Weeks (Suzy Giordano-BABY COACH)
For :parents want simple and specific guidance when it comes to helping their babies learn to sleep through the night
Tips on Getting Baby to Sleep
-Create and maintain a log that documents
a)when your baby eats,
b)for how long or how much your baby eats and
c)when you change the baby's diaper and its contents.
That log will be your road map ,it will take you through the safest and easiest way to get where you want to be ,to restful sleep for you and your baby.

-Create a schedule for your child that will teach him that the daytime is light, bright and exciting and the nighttime is dark, uninterrupted and filled with solitude.
Giordano rarely begins training babies in the first month of their life. This is a time for your baby to rest and get used to life outside the womb.

-Don't create bad habits. It takes 3 days to create BAD habits and 7 Days to Break. Sleeping and self-soothing is a learned skill and if you consistently rock your baby to sleep they will expect to be rocked to sleep. This isn't "spoiling" the baby; it is creating habits that will keep your baby from learning to go to sleep on their own.

Human beings are creatures of habit. Giordano's method borrows much from that knowledge: consistent feedings, consistent naptimes and consistent play/awake times.
-A baby must adapt to the existing family ; the existing family does not adapt to a baby
-YOU Must feel empowered as a parent. kids need an authoritative figure , even at a young age, who will set and limit boundaries .
-the BEST TIME to cuddle your baby: is when he is quiet and cooperative, NOT when he is crying. otherwise you will be rewarding negative behavior.
this book greatly recommended by my colleagues who tried and their babies slept tru the night.
they say the method is abit challenging for first time parents, i am willing to find out myself.
psychologically,it is like conditioning and reinforcement.


Unknown said…
Erm, I think i read MANY sleep books but i think the feeling is totally different when baby cries and give you the "please cuddle me to sleep" look. Maybe my heart is just not hard enough. Ended up trying sleep method several times, it eventually worked (2 mths sleep 5-6hr, 3mths 9-12hr) but after i went back to work, i decide to throw away the books and hug baby, sleep with him, and feed baby as much as I could at night (which is all no-nos of sleep books). Well, cos I am hardly with him during the day. Struggle so much i feel like quitting job every day. haha. Whatever you decide to do, stick to it, and don't regret. All the best!

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