Diary to Mother Hood: First Trimester

"God's ways is higher than our ways"
when my faith has diminished to faithless and disappointment after years of praying and trying, i chanced upon this book. this book revived me and my hubby's faith to believe that He is powerful and faithful and we prayed His Word daily for faith.
i thank GOd for answering our prayers in June, i called my baby ' MIRACLE BABY' cos he came becos God allow him to come...
i just passed my first trimester...like some i really had my downs ...
week1-4 i didnt know i was pregnant, happily eating my sashimi and sushi...drinking my choya...
weel 5-6 missed my period , my sixth sense tells me to buy a pregnancy test kit...i tried with morning urine...double line...
staying calm , i called my hubby ...he sounded so excited , decided to buy another one to test...
it became positive too....
we waited for another week before i see a gynae...
and we prayed for a good gynae...we went to see Dr Adrian Woodsworth (thomson women clinic cck) , my colleagues had good recommendations , so we decided to check out.
He made me feel comfortable , straight to the point guy and objective. my hubby finds him ok .
so we decided to choose him.
week 7-8 can hardly eat rice, eat little , more meals, more biscuits, morning sickness, vomitting
quite a bit...
over estimate myself, went for buffet...resulted in diarrhoea and vomitting - clinic doc panicked when she saw me dehyrated , low blood pressure, called Ambulance to send me to A &E....
Exciting week: the first time being a patient sitting in ambulance,while the medical assistants talked to me gently , took my glucose level and blood pressure, my hubby enjoyed his ride ...along the highway to NUH.
while in NUH A&E, i had a 6 hr 2 packs of sodium chloride intraveous drip ...worse;...alone....
THANK GOD for all the prayers i had during that period of time...
THANK YOU ALL who prayed for me...
horrible experience for me...i promised never to eat buffet again....
week 9-12 still vommitting ...lesser now...now headache spells....:( i started to sleep more...
sleep became my favorite hobby...started taking more mc...sensitive to smell and tummy growing...eating slightly more now..
my pupils started asking me why...so i decided to tell them...
and you get positive and weird comments from them...
"teacher, why you must sit down more?"
"teacher, why you always take mc?"
"teacheer, what abt our psle?"
the last one really stresses me...makes my headache worse...my hubby will tell me "DUN WORRY LAH" easy to say than done
HAPPIEST : when i did the ultrasound scan at thomson hospital at week 12, we saw Baby's head, body, legs, arms, my hubby say can see nose and eyes...i was sitting down , hardly can see properly. the radiotherapist said our baby is bigger than the age...i was reallly happy and relieved...
though pregnancy has not been soo smooth, i know GOd will take care of our baby
" be strong and courageous , be strong and very courageous" joshua 1:1
baby, you must grow strong and courageous...daddy and mummy praying for you


Unknown said…
Welcome to Motherhood! Don't worry what you're feeling is perfectly normal. Moodswings, puking, super tired. (I actually had to hide in the staircase to sleep) But, you'd forget about everything when you see your baby at ultrasound scan and feel so satisfied when the labour ends and it joins you in this world. First 3 months is extremely crucial, many miscarraiges happen at this time. I had bad diarrhoea too during 5th month, but God made babies more resilient than you think. And oh, if you trip n fall stomach down, your amoniotic fluid was meant to cushion baby. It probably didn't know what happened. =)It's really not like the TV shows. All the best for your pregnancy, ENJOY, (watch lots of movies, have lots action, while u can, haha) the Lord will form every part of baby and take care of both mommy n bb, Jia You!

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