What to say and What NOT to say to pregnant ME

i have been plagued by work these few weeks,
so tired physically and emotionally...
my emotions went through rollar coaster last week...
especially when people around me started to make comments..
about my tummy...
i get really senstive...
WHAT NOT TO say to a pregnant ME
"why your tummy still so small?"
"why you never eat dinner?"
"cannot do so slow...we are planning for next year liao..."
"why you still wearing tight clothing/high heels?"
apparently, all these comments are "out of real concern" for
pregnant me...
BUT does not really help....the senstive emotional me:(
WHAT TO SAY to a pregnant ME
"how are you doing?"
"eating well i hope"
"if you cant cope, let us know"
"you can do it"
"as long as your baby healthy, dun worry about other things"
i thank GOD i still have a few good souls who encourage me:)


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