Our First Prenatal lesson

my hubby and i signed up Thomson Medical Parentcraft, 6 lessons of prenatal course.
a lot of my colleagues told me no need to go and waste $$$, you can read all about what you need to know in books and hearsay...
i contemplated a while cos the distance can be a discouraging factor....
my hubby said since this is our first time as parents, it is good to know more...
so we went.
conducted by a senior nurse, also an experienced mid wife and counsellor
1.30-2pm video on mum breastfeeding twins
(both me and hubby woahed the size of the breast of the mummy!)
2-3pm Prenatal exercises (from head to toe)
neck exercise
pelvic tilts (very good for delivery)
kegel exercises
breast firming exercise
massage of tummy (communicate with baby)
sitting posture
sit-stand posture
ankle and feet posture(prevent leg cramps)
3-3.30pm Food and nutrition for pregnant mum
-folic acid a must (even before you are pregnant, for the development of baby brain)
-calcium (milk, dairy products)
-balanced diet
-a cup of warm water in the morning (prevent constipation)
-papaya (not too much, may cause baby's jaundice)
-not too much caffine (coffee, tea, chocolate)


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