Prenatal lesson 3: Delivery process

the nurse shared with us the different forms of delivery..
vaginal delivery...C-sect delivery...with epidural...with laughing gas...even water delivery....
the video shows the process of delivery...
when baby's head is out through the cervix...the whole body comes out so quickly...
i was awed by the whole is so natural , God created woman just to have babies.....
thank God my hubby seemed quite calm about the process , some mummies cried when they see the video...
after that, my hubby told me the video is good, helped to mentally prepared him...
i felt the same way too...
the nurse then took us through the process of delivery:
ist stage; deep breathing (water bag burst, contractions start)
2nd stage: dilation of cervix to about 10 cm (push as nurse tells you...dun push unneccessary...or else baby's head might be hurt the cervix)
3rd stage: push...push...pant pant (panting very impt, helps the baby to come out smoothly)
baby is out successfully....
hopefully this is as natural as it supposed to be ....
pray pray...


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