NESTING instinct

with 7 weeks to go,
i am on nesting mode...preparing myself mentally , physically, spiritually...
but what can i prepare? except to wait?
i am getting heavier and sleep becomes a torture for me cos my leg gets cramped easily in
the middle of the night...
my piles have become smaller but still there...
i try not to think about it....
i pray work in school will be hand over smoothly...didnt want to be irresponsible..
but so many things to plan , so little time....
so stressful...
the nesting mother me wants to be so perfect...
i must learn to try to relax and trust God...
cant wait to hold my baby ...wonder how she will look like...
i just bought i phone to take lots of pictures of her and put on facebook...hahhha
nest ...nest...nest....


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