Ready for 2nd child

A question often asked by many
And a question I asked myself too
"am I ready ?"

I am going to be 35 soon , feeling a bit panicky becoz of age
But concerned whether I can cope with 2

My child presently is 2, not yet toilet trained
Very active and attention seeker
Though independent by nature
She still seeks companionship


Maybe God will make a way

I must have faith
And be more courageous

But I feel already so tired with just 1 child
How to have another ?

I want to be a responsible parent
To be with them
Not just throw them with maid or nanny or grandparents

Really a struggle

When I have no child , I dread being bored with hubby at home

Now with 1 child
You hope to have ME time everyday
At least to sleep more
To go for long haul travelling

Sigh ...
Biological clock running out


Anonymous said…
Hihi Sandy glad u revived ur blog! I don think we will ever prepare ourselves enough on every area to be ready for another child :) Only God can help us. One day at a time. Don't let what the world says, make u fearful about having another child. Jia You. :D

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