Let your child be who God wants her to be

It is always easy to say
I have no expectations for my child

Yet speaks differently in actions

I am
So that parent

Before my child is born
I pray she will be happy
And love God

After she is born
I panicked she is over active
Cannot sit still
Cannot read
Cannot focus
Worry this worry that
And of cos like many kiasu parents
I sent her to expensive enrichment

And gets angry and frustrated
With her
Because she wastes $$ by walking around in class
Not able to focus

Finally I gave up
Forcing her to learn " with my own strength "

Stopped all sorts of classes
And instead spent more time with her

Now at 25months
She can speak sentences
Express herself
Read on her own
And ask "what is this "
Prays with clutched fists and says "amen "

God just let her be who she is
All without our help


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