Weekend parents

Nowadays it's so common to hear kids staying with nanny or grandparents for the week and only get to see their parents during weekends .

And parents are so called themselves " weekend parents"
They fulfil their parenting duty only during weekends and left parenting during weekdays to their nanny or grandparents.

There is no right or wrong to these type of parents

However as an educator and a parent,
I saw quite a few kids having behaviour or academic difficulty due to lack of attention from their parents.
it is sad to see these kids innocent as they are in their age yet lost in direction , suffering the consequences to these parents " busyness " .

Last week , I called a parent informing the coming term test for his child. And encouraged this parent to spend some time with the child as he is weak in the subject .

The parent was totally oblivious of the coming test and missed out the notifications given out by the school one month ago. He gave the excuse " busy with work ", and said he may not have time to teach the child.
And asked me whether i can give extra tuition for his child weak in the subject .
Instead of taking responsibility , he basically threw " the ball" back at me.

Sad and disappointed I am with this parent ...sigh

" begin with an end in mind"
how you see your child succeed in life ?
What is your vision for your child?

If you can spend time with your Facebook, iPad or iPhone , why not a few minutes with your child ?


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