The importance of dad's role

My little girl used to call for papa to play with her. Her bond with papa is strong and keeps her self esteem high especially reflected in her social skills .

My hubby asked me yesterday whether we have taken photos for her at this 2 yrs old . I replied not much. We took many when she was younger , and got lazier as she gets older. As her daddy , he is very concerned about her behavior and growing up phases .

Unfortunately, in our Asian society , dad's role is often the breadwinner role . I personally come from a traditional family where my dad works from 6 to 11pm daily and my mum is a full time housewife. My memory of my dad is often photos of us to different sightseeing places.and that's all.
I grew up fearing men in authority and in my adulthood affecting my self esteem and relationship with people esp guys I like.

Thus I always told my hubby
" You Are very important to our child"

Dad 's role in every child 's life is vital to their psychological , social emotional well being.
How you relate with your child whether is boy or girl will affect how they relate with others in future.

I have known a few counselling cases of girls who have casual relationships with men because of lack of love from father .
And boys who grow up , struggling with men hood because their father didn't tell them the role of men.

Daddy , you are important .
Dont miss out bonding with your child..
Cos you are the key to their well being.

" Happy FAthers Day!"


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