My LASIK eye operation

I had my Epik LASIK eye operation in dec 2011.
I had contemplated for such long time , finally picked up my guts to do it . I told myself it cannot be worse than delivery !!

And I was right . Of cos I did it with much much prayer .

I read through a lot online and asked my brother and friends around who did it before . My bro did it in USA about 10 yrs ago, he had high myopia , corrected by lasik .

I found by chance an established private eye clinic opened by a famous eye surgeon who by chance is also a deacon . He is Dr Julian Theng from Eagle Eye clinic.

My experience was a smooth one.
I stopped using my contact lens for at least 2 weeks . I called to make appointment.
I had my pre check up ( which takes at least 3hrs in the morning ) and operation in the afternoon ( takes only 10 mins for both eyes) all in one day.

The pre check up was very thorough, went through various testing including the most crucial test on cornea health .

After that, the senior nurse advised me on my status of my eyes and whether i can go for the operation and which type of operation is most suitable for me. I was very fortunate as the thickness of cornea is healthy and I had low stable myopia of 450 per eye and little astigmatism .
I told the nurse I am concerned about eye dryness as I had chronic eye dryness after using contact lenses for several years. She told me there will still be dry eyes but should not worsen as I no longer depend on contact lens .

Thereafter I met up with Dr Julian Theng who gave me the final green light to go for my operation in the afternoon.

There is a 3hrs break for lunch and for my two eyes to be anaesthetise and dilated.
When I came back from lunch , it was my turn . So fast , dr Julian had completed 3 patients before me . All of them came out in red shot eyes , and walking normally .
I began to pray and asked God for protection and smooth op.
I need not change , just put on the op gown and cap. Off I went to the ops room,dr Julian sensed my anxiety , reassured me it will be finished before I know it and God will see me through.
I listened intently to his instructions and looked at the bright light .
The next thing I know , the machine did the cutting the flapping , the LASIK to do the correction ( no feeling at all).
10 mins gone and that was it.

"well done! You can go now" dr Julian said.
I changed my gown and walked out of the room , a bit blur blur, not complete clearness.

" dun worry , I placed a set of contact lens on your eyes to protect your eyes, so everything will seem blurish. The most critical is the next 24 hrs . Do the eye drops every hr and dun rub your eyes , and see me the following day "

Yes that what I did religiously for the next 24hrs .
My eyesight gets better each day till it stabilised 3 months later .
I still get dry eyes but not as bad as before . And eyes sensitive to bright lights (like a vampire) , so bought myself nice pair of sunglasses :)

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