Preparing your child for primary one

Is your child ready for primary one ?

By 2015 most Singapore primary schools will be single session which means your child will stay 80% of his time in school ( like you do at work).

The day in school would probably like this ( may differs from school to
7.30 school starts /pledge taking
8.00 lesson
9.30 recess (recess time varies from level to level)
10.00 lesson
12.00 lunch /nap
13.00 Activity
15.00 school ends

Read more online: single session schools

Here are some tips :
Preparing your child for primary 1
Organized school bag (homework file )
Read to him or her
Set realistic and achievable targets
Use positive remarks
Label personal items
Teach your child to be responsible in taking care of own things
Be active parents
Be interested in your child 's work

What success do you want to see in your child
Parents :Take action (be Proactive)
As parents , you can send your child to workshops to train your child in learning habits :
Learning habits for your child
- motivation
-good language skill
-problem solving

Look out for your child's learning intelligence ...
7 intelligence: is your child Smart in
People ( interpersonal )
Self (intrapersonal)

Child learning style : visual , auditory , kinesthetic

It is also very important to instil confidence in your child :
Academically ready
Socially and emotionally ready
-be able to sit still for a short period of time
- pay attention for a short period of time
-able to show emotions/ tell her needs
- ask questions if need assistance
- able to control emotions over disappointment and refrain from violent
Adapting to environmental changes
 learning best thru play

While preparing all these seem like a chore, no worries , just pray and let your child explore !
Most teachers in Singapore are well trained to tell you whether your child is academically , socially or emotionally ready .


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