Rachel growing up ...at 3 years old

Kids grow up so fast .
3 yrs have passed . And Rachel is growing up.
She knows how to be toilet trained , wash her hands, brush her teeth and wear her shoes.
I am so proud of her , her every single achievement is a small step of happiness to me and hubby.

After our unfortunate loss , we spent more time loving and caring for Rachel , sort of guilt trip to compensate the time spent at work and also to fill up the sadness of our recent loss.

Kids at 3 asked lots of WHYS , but Rachel loves to ask WHAT HAPPENED? Questions .
I will be patiently explaining to her the story outline or reason to her questions .
She is also quite sensitive now to people laughing at her though we laughed most of her time to her cute and adorable and innocent answers.

Thank God she throws less tantrums but she has a bad habit of sitting one corner and sulking which I dun agree her way of expressing her anger .
She understands about rewards and consequences as her school also used naughty corner with her.

And praise God , now she attends Sunday school on her own without I accompany her . And now loves to read bible stories and talks about God in her speech.
We have to keep up with her loving and remembering God too in our speech and actions.

Parenting and maintaining couple relationship are never easy , both hubby and I are very busy at work and ministry , having once a movie in 3 months become a luxury for us.

Priorities are to be set and both of us know that if we put Him first in our lives, He will bless us .


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