PERI Holistic Assessment for primary schools 

At Primary 1 and Primary 2, when your child is just beginning school, a key focus should be on building his confidence and desire to learn. Thus, assessment should focus more on providing information on the learning progress of the child.

Teachers will use a range of assessment tools, including written and performance tasks to enable them to provide feedback to pupils on their mastery of concepts and skills as well as their strengths and areas for improvement.

As parents, you can look forward to richer feedback on your child’s development and gain a more complete picture of his achievement and progress.


This is what i shared with my department on PERI HA 

Common vision : Believing the main focus of PERI HA - to emphasize assessment for learning AFL( formative ) to strengthen assessment of learning AOL ( summative )
Means to adopt appropriate assessment methods and modes of assessment
Use assessment info to improve pupils learning
Adopt holistic reporting and communication

Common goal: getting PERI HA right from the start

Common understanding :
To ensure that every teacher would be familiar with the assessment modes as well as to establish a common understanding of the expectations

With teachers sharing the same vision ; we worked towards common understanding and achieving a
common goal 

What we believe in
Not to create fanciful programs / activities

How do we communicate with our teachers ?
Ownership by task members , we discussed , do our research .
Then shared collectively during PD sessions
Before finalizing details and carrying out the implementation of the activities
Then review and adjust our teaching process
(Show the chart )

Our performance tasks for Listening , Speaking , Reading and Writing are closely aligned to the objectives set by MOE
Eg testing on words , followed by sentences and then paragraphs

Our goal is to strike a balance between AoL and AfL
we emphasize our assessment for learning( formative ) to strengthen our assessment of learning ( summative )
This means that we are aware of the results target but the PROCESS of how we achieve that target is also important
Thus our regular diagnostic practices are aligned with performance tasks

Read slide on
PERI HA Refers to the on going gathering of info on the different facets of a child from various sources
With the aim of providing quantitative and qualitative feedback to support and guide the child's development

So How we use assessment info to improve our pupil's learning and teachers' teaching

This is example of Listening practice
See the feedback rubric
Now look at Listening test
We use the same feedback rubric to tell pupil and their parent which area their child is strong or weak at . 
This is used throughout all the listening performance task for all terms

Speaking - Show and tell 
Peer assessment
For show and tell, 
We clearly spell out the learning goals , expectations as well as the assessment criteria to pupils. 
We Allows children to assess themselves and their peers and receive valuable feedback from their teachers .
This brings fun and ownership to learning .
This also builds children's confidence to learn .
How we do it ?
Of cos the initial process for them to assess their peers may have some teething problems such as 'he anyhow give me a sad face instead of smily face '
Thus the role of teacher as a facilitator is important in guiding them how to give specific and constructive feedback such as ' she can be louder ' , ' more expressive'.
We train our selected group leaders and assistant grp leaders first on how to assess their peers . Then they assess their group members . Once they get used to assessing their peers . You can try pairing . 
Usually HA match with MA.LA best assessed by teachers or more patient HA pupils .

Parent assessment
Help parents understand what is expected of their child with immediate and specific feedback .
feedback given to parents by teachers to help their child in learning .
It also gets parents to be involved in revising with their child. 

How we do it ?
Initial first practice , we gave written instruction on how to assess their child. Sometimes we call  parents to explain the objectives to convince them the need to assess their child and practice with them ( eg show and tell)
Benefits : 
We get buy in from parents that Peri HA is effective in assessing a child 's progress without compromising on summative results . 
Eg during meet the parents session , parents would tell me  the weak areas based on the regular feedback we gave to them even before I tell them about their child's progress. 

We do the same for reading
- peer and parent assessment
As practices would take place once a fortnight , progress is closely monitored by the child , peers , parents and teachers .
Hence PERI HA gave a comprehensive view of a child's learning progress .

For writing ,
We also Revised spelling list from the previous one .
We aligned the new spelling list with the learning objectives , helping child to learn and succeed in performance tasks . 

Hence you can see the strong correlation between our practices and Performance tasks for all 4 components .
There is progressive learning from hypy to sentences .
Topics tested are aligned with textbook topics so that there is no duplication . 
The scoring scales and rubrics as well as timely feedback during regular practices help our pupil understand his own strengths and weaknesses .

With all these , it is not without challenges .
What are our challenges ?
The main factor is Time .
Time constraints - reviewing , discussion and ongoing fine tuning is challenging especially as practices are conducted every 2/3 topics . Teachers need to closely monitor SOW so that regular practices can be given on time .
together with peer and parent assessment carried out consecutively .
Time consuming - resources created from scratch

Benefits of PERI HA
- parents are more involved
- teachers are more reflective in our teaching and aware of each child 's learning progress
- pupils are more confident learners

In conclusion
 the key focus of Peri HA is building a child's confidence and desire to learn . Thus as teachers we hope to achieve our target by focusing on regular assessment that provides info on the learning progress of the child .


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